Monday, February 7, 2011

The Super Bowl XLV

What a perfect thing to begin this blog that with the most watched sport event The Super Bowl. The Green Pay Packers win the XLV edition  by 31-25 to the Pittsburgh Steelers. It was a good game but I don´t think that it was the best Super Bowl game. What do you thing about it ? Whats your favorite Super Bowl game ?


  1. I think the same, this game was good but it wasent the best Super Bowl game man :)

  2. I did not know that they like both the super bowl

  3. i like the middle time.... black eyed peas rock!!!!

  4. I have never seen one of those Super Bowls :( but I think that they are really nice!

  5. yeah dude! i am super happy for this super bowl!! its was my first one :D i really like football (hahahha "bolg")
